So I took my test this morning. It was scheduled at 8:15 and I got there at 7:50. There were about 20-25 people but only 15-16 people took the test (elderly waited outside). People who checked IDs and greeted us were VERY nice. They answered questions anyone had and walked us through the process. The test was pretty straight forward and simple. I did feel like they ambushed you by putting 4-5 harder questions there so it's like guaranteed you will pass but not with a perfect score. (15/20 is the passing score)

The woman who interviewed me seemed very serious. Young but didn't smile much. She only asked me three questions: what's my job, how long I've been working there, and if I've ever committed any crimes. She checked my passports while asking the questions and told me everything looked good and I'm free to go. I will get my notice to attend the ceremony after a few months.

And that's that. In a few months I will be getting my Canadian passport! Woohoo!

PS: I was super tired after the test, went home and passed out for two hours haha.

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