目前分類:寶。貝 (11)

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Week 15: I've been VERY thirsty for the past few days and since I don't drink enough water during the day (these two weeks have been crazy at work because both C and J are away), I end up drinking a lot more at night, which is not fun. Have to pee after I fall asleep! The morning sickness seems to be going away but still occasionally come back and bite me here and there. I do feel hungry faster now. Even with breakfast with eggs and cheese I still get hungry around 10-10:30. Still not showing with clothes on, but the bump is there without clothes for sure. There is a clear line above my uetrus and I feel like I have middle age belly right above the baby bump. Baby seems to swim everywhere at daytime (midwife found it on the left side) but stay closer to the centre at night time when we use the doppler. 

Week 16: everything seems to be pretty normal now. Pregnancy still not visible with clothes on. The big appetite I'm wating for is sadly still not here! According to K I'll never get it but Charissa said it will come. Anyways I feel okay most of the time but sometimes still burps a lot after I eat and I can't seem to eat too much still. It seems like I can't have milk (at least in the morning). It's either slowing down the digesting process or bringing the morning sickness back. Baby doppler is returned and it feels weird cause I really can't do anything and it almost feels like there is nothing going on with my body (except for constipation). Catherine has been very enthusiastic and cheerful whenever she sees me. It's funny to think that the whole centre thought she was nuts and now she is just so nice and appreciative of everything. You really can't judge a book by its cover. Acne problems are rising, not sure if it's the constipation or I'm having a girl. Considering somehow the babies come in pack and all the same sex, last wave was all boys (EL, SD, JF, CE) so it would make this wave (HK, BM, me, K) all girls. No one is gonna find out the sex so I guess I would be the first one. 

week 17: Constipation started to get bad again. Other than that everything was normal. My nose was still stuffed and bloody. Finally started to show more. 

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Week 5 (also the bloodwork week): The day after my bloodwork I started to have nausea after I ate. It's funny cause the night before I was googling if it's common to feel nothing at week 5 and there I go! I'm not as tires as I thought I would be but I am indeed barely functioning in the morning. Usually I wake up after my lunch and am fine until I go to bed. I get full very easily now but still want to eat more. There were several times I almost puked because I ate too much...orz 

Week 7: Started to feel the real morning sickness!! I'm very gassy (burpy) and have started to feel nauseous. It's not too bad just occasionally. Energy level is alright. 

Week 8: Still not recovering from the cold I got during my placement. It's been like a month! Morning sickness is getting wrose. 

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Nov 2 -- transfer day. Wasn't too nervous. The procedure was much worse than the first time though. Maybe because I was drugged the first time? It was very uncomfrotable this time. I felt everything they did and honestly I got cramps everytime I got something poked in the vagina so this time is no exception. The prolonged time didn't help either -- they didn't have it until the third try. Wha happned was that the embie kept getting sucked back into the tube/needle. Anyways it was overall very long and uncomfortable 15 minute. My legs were numb at the end. 

Day 1: Not so great. Had a pretty stressful afternoon. The kids all woke up around 1:30. It was the worst nap time ever. My ovary somehow started to cramp here and there. No sharp pain just uncomfortable and weid (what does it have to do with you Ovie?) Had a fight with Mom at night. Basically I did not take it easy at all and got myself very upset on top of that. Also Sok has been sick for a while and since he doesn't get sick often it must be something powerful (he put both his co-workers out for a couple of days). I totally forgot about it so I shared food with him on our way home. Of course my throat hurts now. 

Day 2: Ovary pain continues. It comes and goes. One uterus cramping feeling but passed pretty fast. Fucking MM figured out what I was doing and asked me if I was pregnant. Despite the urge of shouting none of your fukcing business I told her I was not, just waiting to see if my AF arrives or not. I'm happy that I'll be doing my placement and don't have to see her and talk about it when the 2ww is up. Went to Kristen's house to help with the moving and felt pretty good -- it took it off my mind. 

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After the surgery the doctor told us we were good to go for the second round if we were ready. Cycle regulation started at the end of May and everything was pretty much the same until the Gonal-F injecction. My first appointment (4 days after the first shot) showed that my body was not responding to the drug so they increased my dosage (200 i.u to 250 i.u). I asked the nurse what caused the change since I was responding well with 200 i.u last time. She simply said that I was older now (yes I was five months older). On day 12 they decided that it was time to trigger me (Tuesday) and we had the retrieval scheduled on Thursday (31st). They got 16 follicles out of my one ovary. Out of the 16, 13 were matured and 10 were fertilized. There were enough embryos to wait until day 5, which is today for the transfer. 

Since I got a lot of eggs out, they were worried that I might develop OHSS and prescribed me Dostinex to prevent it (FAIL!! Useless Dostinex!) The first two day after the retrieval I felt very uncomfrotable. My abdonem was VERY bloated and it hurt when we drove through potholes. There were two incidents that my right thumb area suddenly went dumb for a few minutes. My appetite has been good but unfortunately I can't eat too much. My stomach simply can't take it. No nausea or throwing up and no weight gain either. The only symtom I have is this big belly and the uncomfortableness it brings. I for sure didn't expereince this much uncomfortableness last time so although other symtoms were lacking, I was worried that I might have OHSS. I expressed my concern to the nurse on Sunday but there was no clear evidence that I was retaining water so we went ahead with the appointment. 

This morning when we arrived, the first thing they did was to do a bloodwork. We then went into the recovery room and waited for our embie report card. One nurse came in shortly after to give the bloodwrok result to the nurse in charge. I wasn't sure if it was mine but she then asked me if I took fluid this morning. In my head I was like "oh-oh" that can't be good (and I was right.) 


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Day 10 would be yesterday, Friday the 18th. I saw spotting in the afternoon. I was tearing up a bit when I was alone with Ollie but mom came soon after and I was able to get together before she showed up. K found my Endometrin (so stupid!!!!) but I don't wanna talk about her. Went home at 4 but hubby was out with Jense. I googled getting period before BETA and cried in that hour. I didn't think I would be upset enough to cry. Although I have been trying to prepare myself with this. When Sok came home I felt better but was debating if we should still go to the staff party. I dressed up and looked in the mirror. I'm skinny with a flat belly. 

Staff party was pretty shitty. N wanted to have it at the centre instead of actually going to a restaurant. At first I thought he was trying to save money but K told me that he was complaining about going over budget and stuff. Because of that I had higher expectation for this "catering xmas party". Thought that there will be servers and catering people there. But no it's just a take-out party basically. The food was pretty greasy. Sok didn't even eat that much. He was hungry when we got home and actually cooked for himself. The alcohol provided was wine, not even beers and there were two bottles of wine. We are paying 15 dollars for something we don't even drink and my husband's stomach wasn't even satisfied. Gift exchange went okay. S and I got our own presents back which is good since we spent more money than other people. some of the gifts were so crappy like a pair of socks and a DVD, like the worst!!

Mr. N thought that he was an awesome DJ and we had to go down to dance to show our support. So a bunch of preschool teachers were dancing silly like preschoolers cause obviously we don't do clubbing and has no skills in this genre. We had to wait for so long for the first one to leave and then a short wait to join them. It was not fun at all to me. Wasting my time not to mention that I wasn't in the mood to do socializing and dancing. 

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Back gets sore easily. Occasional breast tenderness (they are shrinking back to my normal size though). Started to fall asleep watching TV after work but I mean that's quite common. Hadn't pooped for three days and finally did. God it was huge. I'm sorry it's yucky but I clogged the toilet. Yuck!!!!

Almost there! Four more days to go!!! ...and another morning's wait. 

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  • Dec 11 Fri 2015 10:56
  • Day 3

沒啥要報備的。但是google了Endometrin的副作用後發現很多人所說的所謂"早期症狀"根本都是這個藥的常見副作用= =。所以覺得今天有想開一點不那麼在意了哈哈。



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基本上右側也痛過左側也痛過,我原本猜是卵巢努力回復中但是左邊明明什麼都沒有是在跟人家湊什麼熱鬧= =。晚上帶Jense出去噓噓的時候下腹痛痛的但是也不久。還要等好久喔嗚嗚日子真難熬,而且容易想很多。今天便便的時候就想肯定沒成功不然應該會便秘(說真的網路上還真的有一票人這麼早就有此症狀了)...時間趕快過吧!!!!!


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今天就是那個大日子啦!!診所依舊很忙,應該是十點的手術(?)但是拖到十點半才做。我們很乖地九點就到了,等啊等啊等地我們望穿秋水,重點是膀胱快爆炸了醫生還不出現很痛苦啊!!!坐了半個小時後醫生先跟我們講胚胎的狀況,我那四顆在Day 3都發展良好的受精卵們都存活到第五天,只有其中一顆烏龜慢爬狀況不好所以應該沒辦法冷凍,其他三顆都還不錯,一顆B5-BB,另外兩顆B4-BB。質量普通然後一顆發展地比較快。雖然我有輸卵管積水液地問題但是他們在取卵的時候抽掉了,所以醫生覺得我懷孕的機率應該不錯(必須要說還好這次不是猶太老頭...)。我還是很擔心液體的問題但是醫生說服我們如果子宮環境不好的話你更不想放兩顆胚胎進去,萬一真的不行不是浪費兩顆胚胎?還不如只放一顆然後如果不成功再跟醫生討論之後是不是要夾輸卵管。我們想想也是,所以就同意只放一顆。



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